
Building Automation

Automation solutions to increase the efficiency of production facilities, commercial facilities and management centers. Objectives: consumption accounting, energy saving, increasing of the plant's safety and reducing operating costs.

Data acquisition via networked sensors

Sensors with different characteristics provide us the ability to gather information about the building, the technical installations and the production line. This information management allows us to optimally run the production plant as well as a number of useful data to analyze consumption, increase safety, and optimize maintenance costs.

Consumptions contabilization

Consumptions contabilization gives you the awareness of spent resources and the ability to know the costs analytically, thus providing a valuable support for waste analysis.
The ability to graphically visualize the magnitudes makes it easy to interpret the data and helps the system operator to know incorrect behaviors, that are those that produce misuse of resources.

Loads management

A simple and effective solution to rationalize the energy use is the automatic control of load insertion or unhook.
Their automated management also offers useful features in exceptional cases such as electrical blackouts or electrostatic discharge overvoltages. The system controller can be programmed to restart the preset sequence when the electricity is again available, to disconnect non-priority loads if the available power threshold is exceeded to prevent overvoltage damage to the productive lines' control equipment.

Usability, speed, system high integration

With the production plant automation the following advantages are obtained:

  • infrastructure usability thanks to the simple graphic interface of the controller that offers immediate regulation and ease of use;
  • speed, to adapt to any kind of change, including an unforeseen production, to respond to critical situations and restore normality;
  • plants integration, whose management is centralized and governed by a single control unit that puts them in communication and coordinates the correct operation so as to obtain it in a simple and immediate way with maximum efficiency.

Remote management

Remote management of the production plant is no longer a problem: with our automation solutions, you just need an internet connection and through your smartphone, tablet or PC you can manage everything, control that there are no problems, and be alarmed if there are criticalities.

Services for designers and installers

Knowing that the automation project for a production plant is an exercise that requires expertise in different areas and a good deal of experience, we have structured ourselves to support the professionals who have the responsibility. We offer them free technical assistance on all automation issues starting from project goals.
To installers, assistance at construction site.
An excellent result and a satisfied customer are achieved by following all phases of the project up to the test.

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Rasotto domos

Ci occupiamo di Automazione Industriale da quarant’anni. Dal 1998 sviluppiamo la nostra linea Domotica.
Chi è alla ricerca di prestazioni, affidabilità garantita, di prodotti innovativi e di qualità, di supporto pre e post vendita, potrà trovare soddisfazione nelle proposte Rasotto con la piacevole sorpresa di ottenere il tutto a prezzi competitivi.


Soluzioni domotiche per abitazioni, esercizi commerciali ed industriali, per case di cura, case di riposo e per persone disabili.
Soluzioni su misura per ogni specifica necessità.


DSSTech srl

Via dell'Artigianato, 1
36034 Malo (VI) - Italy

Tel: 0445 637541
E-mail: sales@rasotto.com

P.IVA: IT 04118980244